Please submit the text of your paper in MS Word 97 and higher versions and in .doc format. Use Times New Roman (or any other common font) for writing.
We must ask you to keep to a strict maximum of 20 standard pages (i.e. 1800 key depressions per page including spaces and footnotes), so the text does not exceed 36,000 key depressions in total.
The text is to be accompanied by a brief summary (200 characters) and an abstract, translated into English, 0.5-1 standard page in length (900-1800 characters). The text is to be supplemented by keywords in English and brief information on the author.
As for reviews and reports, again please keep to the prescribed maximum – reviews should not exceed three standard pages and reports 1.5 standard pages. Reviews and reports should also have limited notes and back matter.
The text may be accompanied by illustrated supplements, the selection of which is reserved for the editors. They are normally published in black and white.
Illustrated supporting material may be accepted in accordance with Charles University Faculty of Arts Publishers requirements in the form of photographs, high-standard printed originals and electronic images with appropriate definition (for guidance purposes: photographs 300 dpi, pen-and-ink drawings 1200 dpi) and without compression.
One author
First reference
First name SURNAME (majuscules not capitals and not written with shift or capslock, or preferably leave as ordinary letters), Monograph title, Place and year of publication, page.
Examples: Petr Maťa, Svět české aristokracie (1500–1700), Prague 2004, pp. 17–22.
Further reference
F. surname, Title of monograph up to the first noun that specifically characterizes the work, page (always specify).
Example: P. Maťa, Svět, pp. 67–76.
Several authors
First reference
First name SURNAME – first name surname, Monograph title, Place and year of publication (page).
Example: Jan Janák – Zdeňka Hledíková, Dějiny správy v českých zemích do roku 1945, Prague 1989, p. 106.
Further reference
F. surname – F. surname, Title of monograph up to the first noun that specifically characterizes the work, page.
Example: J. Janák – Z. Hledíková, Dějiny správy, pp. 108–109.
First reference
First name surname, Title of article, Journal title, year (arabic numerals), year, page (always specify).
Example: Josef Macek, Historická sémantika, Český časopis historický 89, 1991, pp. 1–30, here p. 9.
Further reference
F. surname, Title of article up to the first noun that specifically characterizes the work, page(s)
Example: J. Macek, Historická sémantika, p. 27.
First reference
Name surname, Title of article, in: collection editors (ed./edd.), Title of collection, place and year of publication, page (always specify).
Example: Zdeněk Hojda, Le grandezze d’Italia. Die Kavalierstouren der böhmischen Adeligen, die Kunstbetrachtung und die Kunstsammlungen im 17. Jahrhundert, in: Hans-Bernd Harder – Hans Rothe (edd.), Studien zum Humanismus in den böhmischen Ländern III, Köln – Weimar – Wien 1993, pp. 151–160.
Further reference
F. surname, Title of article up to the first noun that specifically characterizes the work, page.
Example: Z. Hojda, Le grandezze d’Italia, p. 36.
Edita Ivaničková – Eva Kowalská (edd.), Inventing each other. Anglo-saxon World and Central Europe 1500–1800. International Conference. Forum of British, Czech and Slovak historians, Topoľčianky 21-23 September 2006, Bratislava 2009.
If cited publications or specialist studies have a subtitle then please provide that too. The same applies to the titles of collections, in which case please also try to mention if they are part of a larger series as is common particularly for publications of German origin.
Example: Gabriele Wimböck – Karin Leonhard – Markus Friedrich (edd.), Evidentia. Reichweiten visueller Wahrnehmung in der Frühen Neuzeit (Pluralisierung und Autorität 9, hrsg. vom Sonderforschungsbereich 573, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Berlin 2007.
First reference
First name surname [editor(s) – separated by an m-dash] (ed./edd.), Title of edition, Place and year of publication, page (always specify), e.g. document number and the like.
Example: Josef HRDLIČKA (ed.), Autobiografie Jana Nikodéma Mařana Bohdaneckého z Hodkova, České Budějovice 2003, esp. p. 15nn.
Further reference
F. surname (ed.), Title of edition up to the first noun that specifically characterizes the work, page (always specify), e.g. document number and the like.
Př.: J. HRdlička, Autobiografie, pp. 324–325, doc. no. 1013.
If the source has an author then we cite it as follows: Erasmus Rotterdamský, Chvála bláznovství, ed. Martin Svatoš, Prague 1990, p. 305, letter no. 10 of 11 October 1500.
If the source edition (or book, monograph, manual…) has more than one volume:
Antonín TRUHLÁŘ – Karel HRDINA – Josef HEJNIC – Jan MARTÍNEK, Rukověť humanistického básnictví v Čechách a na Moravě I–V, Prague 1966–1982.
(i.e the volume number is given as a Roman numeral in italics)
Jan KALVÍN, Pokorné a ponížené napomínání k nejnepřemoženějšímu císaři Karlovi Pátému a k nejosvícenějším kniežatuom i jiným stavům nynie v Špejru sněm říšský držícím, Norimberk, Anton Gruber, 1546, I, p. 13, § 4.
Name the printer if possible.
Descriptio Urbis Pilsnae, British Library, sign. Ef. 1220, fol. 6r
The following should be given: location housed, name of fonds, part of fonds, box, shelf number, inventory number, type of document, dating, any addressee and originator.
Example: Státní oblastní archiv Litoměřice – pobočka Žitenice, Rodinný archiv Lobkoviců, Dopisy Kryštofa Adolfa Lobkovice, shelf no. 24/L, box no. 21, inv. no. 111, letter from Kryštof Adolf to his mother Amélie of 14 Ocober 1810
If more than one publication is cited after another in a single note, insert a semi-colon between individual references.
If possible insert the footnote numbers after the punctuation marks, ideally after a full stop or comma (e.g.…velké naděje.23 or …velké naděje,23).
To designate subsequent pages use abbreviations –n-: p. 12n.
For page designations which are not identified in greater detail use abbreviations: p. 12nn.
Separate citations from sources or bibliography with inverted commas. Do not use italics inside them.
Do not use any abbreviations except the usual ones. Write out journal titles in full.
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